Celebrating Our GEMs' Success
MOE Innergy Award
The MOE Innergy Award aims to recognise individuals/teams at the ministry level, for successfully developing and implementing innovations to bring about significant benefits and impact in their workplaces.

2024 CCA Recognition & Awards
National School Games

Singapore Youth Festival


MOE Service Excellence Award (MSEA)
The MSEA is an MOE-wide award that recognises MOE staff who are passionate in their service delivery, consistently serve internal and external customers with C.A.R.E (Collaborate, Anticipate, Reach out, Empathise) and inspire their colleagues to do likewise.

Academy Award for Professional Development
The Academy Awards (AA) for Professional Development recognise and affirm the efforts of officers in the education service and partners in education for their contributions to the professional development of the teaching fraternity.

Green Schools @ South West 2023 Award
Our school has achieved the prestigious Three Stars in the Green Schools @ Southwest Award for 2023: Public Health Star, Environment Protection Star, and Junior Environment Ambassadors Stars (JEA).
This recognition reflects our unwavering dedication to environmental stewardship and involving our students and school community in sustainability initiatives. Our GEMs actively engage in exploring environmental issues and making impactful contributions to enhance our living environment.

WWF Eco-School Award 2023 and the Excellence Award for Community Outreach
The school has been awarded the WWF Eco-School Award 2023 and the Excellence Award for Community Outreach in recognition of its commitment to ongoing school enhancements and dedicated efforts in championing a sustainable future. This commitment fosters student-led initiatives and active participation in both internal and external activities aimed at promoting sustainability in Singapore.
2022 CCA Achievements
Green Schools@South West Programme 2021
The school has attained Two Stars – Public Health and Environment Protection Stars for our environmental efforts in the Green Schools@South West Programme.
On behalf of the school, Ms Saima received the award from Mr Tiew Chew Meng, BBM, Chairman of South West CDC Environment Functional Committee and Mr Zhulkarnain Abdul Rahim, Vice-Chairman of South West CDC and Advisor to Chua Chu Kang GRC.
This award is given to recognise our environmental efforts as well as the effective approaches that we have taken as a whole school to engage our students to be environment advocates in school as well as in the community.

Community in Bloom Award 2021
Our community garden in Fuhua Primary School has achieved the Diamond Award and Platinum banding. The Diamond Award is presented to community gardens that have achieved three Platinum bandings. Fuhua Primary School is one of the fourteen community gardens to attain the Diamond Award in 2021.
Launched in May 2005, the Community in Bloom nationwide gardening movement aims to foster a community spirit and bring together residents, both young and old, to make Singapore our City in Nature.
The Community in Bloom (CIB) Awards recognize excellence in gardening efforts by community groups and aims to encourage community gardeners to improve the standards of their gardens while continuing to enjoy gardening as a fun and healthy activity.

Our student artists have done extremely well for the Singapore Youth Festival 2021 Art Exhibition. This year, we submitted 3 collaborative artworks for the exhibition. The submitted artworks were chosen to be showcased in a virtual exhibition. 2 of the artworks were awarded the Certificate of Recognition (Special Mention) and 1 artwork was awarded the Certificate of Recognition.
On 29 June 2021, our student artists were honoured to be given the opportunity to present their artwork and conduct a virtual activity with Mr. Chan Chun Sing, Minister of Education and Ms Chong Siak Ching, Chief Executive Officer of National Gallery Singapore.