School Rules
Students are to:
A) wear the prescribed school uniform. Modification to
the uniform is not allowed.
i. Students must wear their name tags on their school
shirt/blouse and PE T-shirt. The name tag must be
positioned slightly above the school badge on the
left side of the PE T-shirt.
a. Male students must wear their name tag 1 cm above the chest pocket.
b. Female students must wear their name tags on the left side and slightly above the school
c. For durability, sew the border of the name tag
after ironing it onto the uniform.
ii. PE T-shirts will be worn during house meetings and
on designated PE days with the school PE short or
a. PE T-shirts are to be tucked in.
iii. The sun hat is part of the school uniform.
a. Students are strongly encouraged to wear their sun hats during
outdoor activities such as learning journeys.
iv. Students must wear black sports shoes with black shoelaces and school socks.
a. Socks are to be slightly above the ankles.
B) be neat, tidy and well-dressed so that they look smart.
i. Students are expected to keep their hair well-combed and not coloured,
dyed, highlighted or gelled.
a. Male students must be clean-shaven and neat in appearance. Hair
should be short, neat and fringe must be above the brow line. Spiky
hairstyles are not allowed.
b. Female students must have their hair neatly trimmed, braided or
tied up with black or brown accessories. Fringe should not touch the
ii. All students must keep their fingernails short and clean.
a. Nail painting or nail stickers are not allowed.
iii. Students should not wear jewellery, ornaments or fashion accessories.
a. Female students may wear a pair of small ear-studs.

C) be punctual for all school activities.
i. Students are to be in school for morning assembly by
D) take care of themselves and their belongings.
i. Adhere to the following for the use of mobile devices (handphones,
smart watches) in the school premises.
a. Students can only use mobile devices under the supervision of their
teachers in the school premises (except for the learning space in
front of the general office).
b. Mobile devices must be switched off and out of sight during school
hours unless instructed or permitted by their teachers.
c. Mobile devices must only be used to access non-offensive information
and communicate appropriately with parents and guardians.
d. Students must display courtesy, consideration and respect for others
when using mobile devices.
e. Students must take personal responsibility for their mobile devices
and ensure that they are always stored in a safe and secure place.
f. Students are to seek teacher’s permission to use their mobile devices
where there is a need to contact parents/guardians in an emergency.
g. The school will not be responsible for damage or loss of mobile
Mobile devices will be confiscated if students fail to comply with the above rules.
E) display a positive attitude towards learning at all times.
A) All students are to:
i. take care of their teachers, schoolmates, school staff and family.
ii. be courteous, kind, and respectful towards their elders.
iii. be considerate and speak softly as school is a place of learning.
iv. move quietly and behave in an orderly manner so that others can enjoy
B) All students are not allowed to have in their possession any weapon. They
are also not allowed to bring any weapon-like item which is used or intended
to be used to cause harm to others.
Our School is our Home. Students are to:
a. take pride in their work so that the school can be proud of them.
b. give their best in all tasks so that they will bring honour to the school.
c. keep the school clean and eat only in the canteen so that the school will
be a pleasant place to study in.
d. be good ambassadors so that others will speak well of our school.
e. abide by the safe rules of play in the school.
Students are to take pride in our nation.
a. Students who are Singapore citizens must sing the National Anthem and
take the Pledge.
b. Students will take the Pledge with the right fist over the heart.