Through the art education at Fuhua Primary School, students will learn to enjoy art-making and appreciate artworks. Students will have the opportunity to experience creating art work with different types of materials and forms of art. They will also learn to communicate and express themselves visually and make meaning through connecting with society and culture. The student-centric learning experience in art develops students to solve problems and be willing to take risks while learning to develop their imagination. Ultimately, we hope our students will grow to appreciate the world around them through an artistic lens and become passionate artists or informed audience.
This programme helps students to develop interest in visual art in a more light-hearted manner. Mini art booths are set up during recesses and students are encouraged to try out simple art activities which they may choose to do on-the-spot or complete at home. Instructions and demonstration videos for some of the activities are uploaded on SLS. This helps to reinforce basic art concepts taught during the curriculum and allows students to be exposed to a variety of art forms.
Budding Artist Programme
Primary 2 students who show a strong interest in Visual Art can learn and experience art in greater depth. The selected students will attend a series of art-making sessions after curriculum hours. The programme has successfully helped many artistically inclined students to hone their skills in Visual Art.
Museum-based Learning
It gives students the opportunity to view the physical artworks by real artists and have engaging dialogues with local artists. The programme introduces the curation of artworks which is a critical aspect in the learning of art as art lends itself naturally to exhibition. This will provide the breadth and depth in learning about local art allowing students to strengthen the understanding of the individual’s national identity by fostering the appreciation of one’s cultural heritage.
Fuhua Art challenge
To add vigor and vibrancy to the school’s art culture, this challenge provides students who have strong interest, skills and aptitude in visual art to pursue it further on a competitive level. This challenge is open to all students to participate.
Ceramic Programme
This programme seeks to develop skills and an understanding of 3-dimensional art through the use of clay. It allows students to appreciate the art-making process which includes the planning and making a final product.
Display of Artworks
Art education at Fuhua Primary focuses more on the process than the final product. Lessons are crafted to emphasise the importance of the art-making processes and encourage students to explore possibilities before creating the final product. We use the environment as a platform to allow students to display and appreciate the artwork created. Art displays fill up corridors and spaces around the school. Bringing art closer to the students allows them to be accustomed to artworks and gives them an opportunity to learn proper gallery etiquette. Knowing gallery etiquette will allow students to be aware of the appropriate behaviour while enjoying and appreciating art exhibits.
Self-Directed Learning
Students are given many platforms such as gallery walk, rubrics and checklists to evaluate their own work and their peers’ work at different stages of their learning process. This allows students to take ownership of their learning and learn to evaluate and give feedback on the quality of theirs and their peers’ practice sketches and final artworks. Through this, students are encouraged to work towards attaining the highest grade through improvement of their work and also learn and experience the process of assessing an artwork.